About the Bursar
The Bursar’s Office oversees your student account at Cheyney University. We prepare and issue your student bills, get your financial aid disbursed, collect and assist you with payment arrangements, and manages tuition costs and more.
What is Tuition?
Tuition Costs: Tuition is the cost of attendance (tuition, fees+ room and board). Tuition bills will have all charges (amounts billed), credits (amounts paid) and anticipated financial aid posted on a statement for your review.
When will I know my tuition and when is the bill due?
Fall semester bills will be available by the end of July and are due on by mid-August. Spring semester bills will be available in December and are due by mid-January. All bills must be paid or payment arrangements made before the start of class.
How will I receive my bill?
All bills are sent electronically to your Cheyney email address. A billing statement is also available to each student online from their CU Experience portal by clicking on the Student Account TouchNet link. You must frequently check your CU email address and keep your permanent address updated with us.
For more information, contact: bursar@wolf.0797bs.com or 610-399-2224.
Fax: 610-399-2118