As a first year student, you want to take advantage of everything that Cheyney has to offer. That’s why we designed The First Year Experience (FYE) program to promote, support and enhance your every academic and co-curricular experience.

FYE is designed to:

  • Motivate students to pursue excellence in academics, character, and social responsibility.
  • Provide information on the key resources and services available on campus.
  • Inform students of the steps necessary to ensure a successful collegiate experience.
  • Introduce opportunities for personal, professional and leadership development.

FYE spans the course of the academic year to include Discovery Days, Freshman Seminar and Freshman Forum. In addition to providing academic and student support services (including registration assistance), the program employs learning communities and cohort blocks, and provides opportunities for mentorship to new students.


Learning Communities

The mission of the Learning Communities Program is to create a culture of learning through a united, campus-wide effort to advance the knowledge of the overall student body, while supporting the growth of each individual student. The program establishes learning cohorts to encourage integration of knowledge across courses, and involves students in social issues that extend beyond the classroom. By coupling academic support with social connections, we foster the academic and social confidence that help to drive student success.

Residential Experiences

Cheyney University housing is organized by learning community, with each having a designated wing in the residence hall.

Discovery Days

Cheyney students are more confident about their success when they begin their college experience by engaging with fellow students, staff, and faculty as they explore academic and co-curricular activities. We call that “Discovery Days.” Held prior to the beginning of the semester, Discovery Days are the time for all new students to learn how to navigate campus, get to know Cheyney’s traditions, and discover the resources and services that support the transition to college life.

Freshman Seminar

Freshman Seminar is a two semester, general education course designed to support and enhance our students’ social and academic transition to college life. All students enrolled in Freshmen Seminar are required to attend Freshman Forum and the Student Success Series, held on designated Thursdays throughout the semester. Check out the Calendar of Events for more details.

GPS Project

Go. Picture. Scribe. FYE students will do all three. As they take part in campus programming, FYE students will document their experiences through photography and the written word. The GPS Project helps to increase engagement in the many opportunities to learn and explore that FYE offers our first year students.

Contact Information:

Director of Student Success
Marcus Foster